
Рассмотрено Платное обжалование Обжалование решения "kostmurz"

Тема в разделе Решенные жалобы создана пользователем man Четверг в 17:39. 25 просмотров

  1. man
    man Автор темы Четверг в 17:39 E 0 4 янв 2024
    1. Link to the appealed complaint: lolz.live/threads/8404081
    2. Brief description of the appeal: The reason why i got banned was because someone thought i was a scammer because i was getting accounts transfered to me by the same person, but it is because i am a reseller, the reason why they got transferred to me is so once i send him the money, he transfers me the account so it automatically posts it for me. There was a pdf file downloaded to an account that I had listed, this was because we wanted to determine the safety of the account, the pdf file was available inside of the account email, and it could be redownloaded anytime on epicgames. He would buy them cheap off of the market, then he would post them, and i would buy off him for a little higher, and if i could not sell the account for the price i wanted, i would have to sell it for money back. I did not buy accounts directly from him, i paid him in dm, they were being transfered to me so i would have them posted on the market, so i didnt have to wait to post it again. Someone misunderstood that, and thought that there was a scamming scheme going on, but I was just reselling. A bunch of other people do this on the market aswell, We are not the only ones.
    3. Evidence: How can I prove this? There are others who do the exact same as us, and they do not get punished, I am not sure how I can prove this.

    Четверг в 17:39 Изменено
  2. dev
    dev Пятница в 01:08 744 4 май 2024
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