
Рассмотрено Платное обжалование Обжалование решения "Nevsk1y"

Тема в разделе Решенные жалобы создана пользователем duolingo Среда в 18:38. 69 просмотров

  1. duolingo
    duolingo Автор темы Среда в 18:38 0 25 фев 2025
    1. Link to the appealed complaint: https://lolz.live/threads/3152091/
    2. Brief description of the appeal: I got banned and I think it's wrong and the reason is written ( Был ранее заблокирован - Sudred ) because I literally don't know it, it's been banned since 2021/11/11 and I registered on this site in 2025/02/25 and I am ready to do anything to prove that to you, even if I pay his tax even though I do not know him. The important thing is that the ban is lifted from me because since I entered this site I have been selling without problems and I have not defrauded anyone
    3. Evidence: Like I said, I swear that I don't know him and I'm ready to provide you with anything you ask for as proof and I'm also ready to pay his penalty fees. The most important thing is that the ban is lifted from me.
  2. Арбитр
    duolingo, внимательно прочитайте, а после заполните форму ниже. После заполнения не спамьте в теме и ожидайте ответа модератора.

    1. Этот аккаунт kaloshaka Ваш или аккаунт знаком вам?
    2. Есть ли у вас другие аккаунты на форуме? Если есть, пришлите ссылки на них (в том числе заблокированные)
    Все слова подкреплять доказательствами. Голый текст по типу "Рассказал друг", без каких-либо доказательств не принимается

    Так же заполните эту форму форму:
    1. Откуда вы узнали о форуме
    2. Ваши профили с других форумов
    2.1. Ваши профили с этого форума, в т.ч. заблокированные
    3. Квитанция пополнения баланса (если пополняли)
    5. Цель пребывания на форуме? (создать нфт тиму, создать тиму по трафу, начать скупку каналов и т.д.)
    6. Где ранее продавали/покупали товар.
    6.1. С кем ранее работали.

    Все слова подкреплять доказательствами. Голый текст по типу "Рассказал друг", без каких-либо доказательств не принимается
  3. duolingo
    duolingo Автор темы Среда в 19:45 0 25 фев 2025
    1. No , i don't know him at all
    2. ( They are not my accounts, but I will send what I found in the forum.)
    - kaloshaka
    - yaaashalava

    Так же заполните эту форму форму:

    1. i find this forum from here :

    2. I know and I have this account only : duolingo
    2.1. ( They are not my accounts, but I will send what I found in the forum.)
    - kaloshaka
    - yaaashalava
    3. 836869f8483956196c9b878ef2d8ec2c2801dc9fa6d3a44d3e7471a71529570e
    4. empty :
    5. No, no, I don't want to create an NFT for Tim , I just want to lift the ban on me and sell on this site because it is very popular and guarantees user rights. (Buyer/Seller)
    6. I have not sold anywhere else and I have not found a better place than this site
    6.1.I have dealt with this person many times : premium and he knows how reliable I am.

    - Some Proofs :
    - it's been banned since 2021/11/11 and I registered on this site in 2025/02/25
    - It is clear that his number is Russian :
    and I am not Russian, I do not live in Russia, and I do not understand the Russian language. I prove my words with some evidence :
    i talk english and i dont understand russian , that mean i am not russian , and if u check compare my time in picture of yesterday in this forum : https://lolz.live/threads/8460856/#post-55616528
    u will find my time its diffrent with russia time

    - remark : I am ready to do anything to prove that to you, even if I pay his tax even though I do not know him. The important thing is that the ban is lifted from me because since I entered this site I have been selling without problems and I have not defrauded anyone
    Среда в 19:45 Изменено
  4. duolingo
    duolingo Автор темы Четверг в 20:34 0 25 фев 2025
    Please sir I have been waiting since yesterday Nevsk1y , I have the money
    deduct double the penalty fee from me, just unblock me I want to go back to work
    Четверг в 20:34 Изменено
  5. Honechka
    Honechka Четверг в 21:41 Пацы возьмите на куратора
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